Category: Liability Insurance

If you wish to have a quick idea on what liability insurance is all about, let me tell you,
Liability is basically what we are liable to pay and the insurance which covers such expenses is called Liability insurance.

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

ABOUT PRODUCT IN BRIEF:   Being a Director or Officer of a company brings with it not only the stresses and strains of making business decisions, but it also exposes the individual to enormous potential personal liability. This in turn is leading to greater concern among Directors & Officers of Indian Corporates. D & O […]

Insurance Help in Damage Control

The Baltimore Bridge collapse: How can Marine Insurance Help in Damage Control?

Many of you might have come across the ship accident in the USA in the news. It was reported that a ship with Indian crew carrying cargo containers has struck a major bridge in Baltimore, USA resulting in an almost complete destruction of the bridge. Major news outlets mentioned the cause of the accident as […]

Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance

Errors & Omissions: Liability Insurance

Errors and Omissions are generally a part of an individual’s daily lives. But if errors lead to significant losses for a company it could turn disastrous. Some cases where something like this could happen are – if you purchase a new home from a realtor and they fail to mention that the roof of the […]

Liability Landscape Transformed with AI

Can AI Transform the Liability Landscape?

There is a hop in your step. And why not, you saved about 7000 bucks on a personal liability policy.  A personal what, you ask? Well, the hallmark of an evolving society is its litigious nature. As we evolve, as a democracy, we might be slow, but we are surely becoming one. And it would […]

vector image of papers - LIABILITY INSURANCE

All About Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is a type of insurance coverage that protects businesses and individuals against third-party claims of negligence, errors, or omissions that result in bodily injury or property damage. Let’s explore liability insurance, why it’s important, and how Ethika Insurance Broking can help you get the right coverage. What is Liability Insurance? At its core, […]


Things You Should Know About Workmen Compensation Policy in India

Workmen Compensation policy premium calculator takes into account the minimum monthly wages of the employees and the number of employees. In addition to this, the workmen compensation policy premium calculator also takes into consideration the occupation of the employees. Workmen’s compensation policy can be purchased online with ease and better discounts can be obtained.  What […]

Workers compensation insurance protection

Types of Workers’ Compensation Insurance

While we give the best perks and benefits to our directors and CEOs, we ignore the basic benefits for our workers. They are the only breadwinners in the family. In addition to taking care of occupational safety, one should always value their well-being. We would rather call it Work-care compensation insurance?  In this article, we […]