The Most Scientifically Designed and Easy To Implement

Employee Happiness Program,

that not only Engages Employees but their Families too.

A Simple, High-Impact, Low-Cost Solution For organizations of any size.

Employee Engagement Program Befor & After - Employee Engagement Program

The Employee Happiness Program
consists of 5 stages.

Ethika media

Imagine if they discovered "what they really want" in their first month and believed they could get "what they really want" by working hard in your organization.

Can you see a workplace where almost every employee of your company wakes up inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued during the day, then returns home feeling fulfilled.

This is not a crazy idealized notion.

Today, in many successful organizations, great HR leaders create environments in which people work together naturally to do remarkable things.

You might have witnessed that some teams trust each other so deeply that they would literally put their lives on the line for each other.

Other teams, no matter what incentives are offered, are doomed to infighting, fragmentation and failure

To make your job easier, we have brought you an online workshop which is conducted every month by our Founder Susheel Agarwal.

When you launch your Employee Happiness Program with us, the first step is to make sure everyone goes through the online workshop on “ Happiness from Work”. The new Employees can participate in the same month of joining.

This will give them a different perspective of looking at work.

They can also choose to become part of our online community and qualify for “Workplace Happiness Ambassadors certification Program”

There is no fee associated with this workshop because we feel it is our social responsibility to spread happiness.

A company's HQ (health quotient) directly impacts the
Company's EQ (emotional quotient) and IQ (intelligence quotient

Our thoughts are directly affected by what we eat. Consequently,
it affects our decision-making ability and behavior at work.

A major cause of work disruptions is employee sickness.
A proactive approach should be taken to deal with the sickness of employees

We offer a Employee Wellness program which will start with

Help your Employees Deal with Problems
Effectively through our EAP.
Expert, Personalized, and Confidential Employee Counseling Support

  • When we start solving employee personal problems, our employees start solving our client problems. The result is business.
  • Our Employee Assistance program helps you solve employee problems
  • When an Employee is facing any personal issues, they put a request for 1-0-1 online counseling support on our web portal along with a brief description of the problem.
    Alternatively any of the colleagues can also refer him to us if they think we could be of help to him.
  • We then fix up a1-0-1 counseling session through telephone or video call within 8 hours with a counselor who has expertise in solving the type of issue the employee mentioned.
  • Your Organization will get a report on how many employees used the EAP services and the feedback rating they gave us without knowing the name of the employee and the nature of the issue.
  • Since it is kept with 100% confidentiality assurance, Employees can freely share their personal problems without worrying about being judged.
  • A follow up session can be fixed if the counselor feels the employee needs more sessions to cope up with the issue.
  • The counselor may also Provide referrals for additional services that may be needed.
  • Consider including this program in your Group Health Insurance Policy when you renew your policy instead of buying it separately.

Here is how it is done

Ethika media

Create Emotional bonds with your employees
by engaging them.

The goal of engagement is not to create fun or entertainment programs. The goal is to create
a community-like atmosphere at work. An atmosphere of caring, concern, gratitude, and personal growth.
An environment where everyone feels safe and gets positive vibes.

Glimpse of our previous sessions

Ethika media

Health check up

An employee makes an appointment for a health checkup through our Web portal. Blood and urine samples are collected from their home. Within 48 working hours, they receive a Diagnostic Report via email. Health check up will cover CBC, hba1c, total cholesterol, LD, HDL. Health checks can also be conducted at the office. Employees (or their families) are also eligible for dental and vision screenings. Through our portal, your employees can find the nearest center, download the coupon, and get the checkup done for free.

Health Risk Assessment

Each employee will receive an email containing a link to a 10-minute health risk assessment test. Employees fill out details about their lifestyle choices and health parameters from the diagnostic report. Employees' health risks are assessed, and a detailed report is provided with Health Scores.

Organization Health Report

Providing insight into organizational health through an organizational health report. Health parameters are analyzed in detail before drafting the report. By understanding employees' health and behavior, management can manage organizational health rigorously, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, and grow business. An effective disease management program can be developed based on the findings of this report.

DASS Score

Designed to assist employees in tracking and managing their mental health using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS). Our platform provides a convenient way for employees to regularly assess their mental well-being, helping them identify potential issues and take proactive steps toward self-care.

Happiness Questionnaire

Tool designed to measure the well-being and satisfaction of employees in the workplace. It typically consists of a series of questions that employees are asked to answer based on their own perceptions and experiences.

EAP Resources

Designed to provide practical tools and exercises that employees can use to better understand and cope with various challenges. Covers topics such as stress management, communication skills, emotional regulation, and goal setting.


Nowadays, stress, anxiety, and depression are a part of every employee's life. Various personal, professional, financial, or reasons are responsible for the struggle employees face now more than ever, and these challenges disrupt their productivity.

Solve Your Employees Problems and Prepare them to fight with unseen Challenges. Employees' happiness directly affects the clients' happiness & client retention rate. Provide your employee's solutions from experts that guide them properly to face their challenges, prepare them for future challenges, and effectively deal with them.

We are EAP providers who can assure you the best support for your employees through our employee counseling services.

Representation of Winners Cronology Vector Image - Employees Assistance Program

Help your Employees Deal with Problems - Effectively.

Expert, personalized, and confidential employee counseling support

What else your employees will get?

Financial Counseling Vector Icon - Employees Assistance Program DASS Score

Designed to assist employees in tracking and managing their mental health using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS). Our platform provides a convenient way for employees to regularly assess their mental well-being, helping them identify potential issues and take proactive steps toward self-care.

Happiness QuestionnaireHappiness Questionnaire

Tool designed to measure the well-being and satisfaction of employees in the workplace. It typically consists of a series of questions that employees are asked to answer based on their own perceptions and experiences.

EAP  Resources EAP Resources

Designed to provide practical tools and exercises that employees can use to better understand and cope with various challenges. Covers topics such as stress management, communication skills, emotional regulation, and goal setting.

When do you need to implement EAP?

Nowadays, if you observe your employees, everyone suffers from any issue. Here are some signs (along with the reasons) you may notice in your employees which generate the need for this program, and you should implement it.

  • Late to Work
  • Entirely Missing the Work
  • Conflict With Other People
  • Unhealthy Behavior in the organization
  • Decrease in their Productivity
  • Distancing oneself from colleagues
  • Reluctant to take work responsibility
  • Contributing bare minimum
  • Procrastination
  • Self critic
  • Gaslighting colleagues
  • Letting go of IJP’s
Tiring Person lying his Head on Table Vector Image - Employees Assistance Program

How does it work ?

When an Employee is facing any personal issues, they put a request for 1-2-1 online counseling support on our web portal along with a brief description of the problem.

Alternatively any of the colleagues can also refer him to us if they think we could be of help to him.

We then fix up a1-2-1 counseling session through telephone or video call within 8 hours with a counselor who has expertise in solving the type of issue the employee mentioned.

Your Organization will get a report on how many employees used the EAP services and the feedback rating they gave us without knowing the name of the employee and nature of issue

Since it is kept with 100% confidentiality assurance, Employees can freely share their personal problems without worrying about being judged.

A follow up session can be fixed if the counselor feels the employee needs more sessions to cope up with the issue.

The counselor may also Provides referrals for additional services that may be needed

What will you get from this program?

Calender Vector Icon - Employees Assistance Program Reduction in

Leaving the Office Vector Icon - Employees Assistance Program Reduction in

Representing of Productivity Vector Icon -  Employees Assistance Program Increase in
productivity rate

Relationship in Colleagues Vector Icon - Employees Assistance Program Better relationship
among colleagues

Shairing Problem with Expert Vector Image - Employees Assistance Program

Timing Graph Vector Icon - Employees Assistance Program
Enhanced efficiency

How do I increase the usage of EAP programs?

Meeting Presentation Vector Image - Employees Assistance Program

This is the major challenge faced by organizations in India. The employees hesitate to approach Counselors since approaching a psychologist is still seen as taboo in India.

We encourage your employees to use EAP by introducing the services repeatedly through our Employee engagement program.


Employee Engagement Framework

The Employee Engagement program
consists of 3 essential components.

Give your employees the Gift of Meditation with our 30-Min

Online Daily Guided Meditation

Representing of Meditation Vector Image - Employee Engagement Program Know Details

Unleash your employee's full potential with our revolutionary 75-Min

Weekly Wellness Webinars

Representing of Group Session Vector Image - Employee Engagement Program Know Details

Give your employees their
daily dose of

Vitamin "H"

Representing of Boy & Girl Meditation Vector Image - Employee Engagement Program Know Details

What will you get from the Employee Engagement Program?

Help your employees identify the effects of lifestyles on their health and wellbeing.

Lifeline Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program

Provide tips and tools to help them make right lifestyle choices.

Representing of Lifestyle Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program

Track member progress to measure the effectiveness of the session.

Clock Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program

Create teachable moments by raising awareness of health risks.

Billing Chart Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program

Design targeted and cost-effective interventions

Representing of cost-effective Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program

Build a culture of Mindfulness.

Representing of Mindfulness Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program
Representing of Team Work Graph Vector Image - Employee Engagement Program

Increase participation in your EAP program

Representing of EAP Program Vector Icon - Employee Engagement Program

Give your employees the Gift of Meditation with our
30 Min Online Daily Live Guided Group Meditation
Make your Employees feel free, relaxed, and motivated

Your employees are busy with their work and overwhelmed with life. It's time to reduce employees' stress, increase happiness, and free them from their life issues. We conduct daily live meditation that helps your employees and their families forget their problems and enjoy the true essence of peace.

Meditation is the perfect way to train the mind and cultivate mindfulness at work. In fact, in research, organizations that adopt meditation therapy at their Workplace help employees to reduce stress and improve productivity simultaneously

Meditation is a trending yet challenging activity. It's something everyone wants to do, but no one knows how to start. We Help your employees by giving them access to a trusted Meditation coach. The Coach will guide your employees and their families into meditation through an online guided commentary every evening. The coach can answer questions from participants about the challenges they are facing to practise meditation during the session or in private after the session has ended. This will help them to use meditation practice anytime and anywhere.

Meditation is helpful in an organization, primarily for the employees and HR. Here are the six proven benefits of meditation, which clearly defines the need and effect of meditation.

  • Improves Cognition - The ability to sustain attention
  • Reduce stress and decrease the level of cortisol in the brain and bodies
  • Meditation brings peace, Boost memory and recharge your employees
  • Meditation regulates mood and improves the sleep quality
  • Meditation helps to curb emotional reactions
  • Meditation in the group leads to better collaboration.
Join the employee engagement program and make meditation their habit; from the busy life schedule, give them peace of self-realization and make them happy, so your employees will leave work on a positive note.

Representing of Mind Relax Meditation Vector Image - Employee Engagement Program

The Revolutionary Weekly 75 minute Session To
Unleash Employees' Full Potential

As an HR boosting the employee's productivity and providing a safe work culture is essential. Life is not so easy;
Ethika brings an exclusive 75 minute session for you to help your employees deal with challenges in their lives.
Make your employees confident to deal with life's most troubling challenges.

HR boosting the employee

Every Friday, we conduct an open online session with participants from experts, which will assist the employees in solving their issues and problems they are facing. Experts lead the sessions from various domains, including financial experts, nutritionists, psychologists, Doctors etc.,.

Every Monday, HR receives the flier which will have the topic, brief details about the session, and the registration link. They then pass the information on to all their employees. Employees currently facing challenges in an area related to the event's topic are likely to show interest and register for it. Participation in the session will enable the employee to learn better ways to handle the challenges.

Our Topic changes every week based on employee feedback, our interactions with experts, and current trends. Apart from engaging the employees wisely, the organization can expect below benefits for their employees

  • Enhance problem-solving skills
  • Improves their lifestyle
  • Make decisions wisely
  • Builds Confidence and strength
  • Better attention towards their work



If employee needs any additional help
with the challenge, we can facilitate a

one-on-one session with an
expert post-session.

Give your employees
Daily Vitamin "H"

Positive Psychology Email course that will help your employees to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts and turn them into motivating and inspiring thoughts which results in positive behaviour.



Usage Analytics,

We then provide an overview of how many
employees participated in which sessions,
how much time they stayed, how much
they liked the session.


A Big Fat Hospital Bill is all it takes
for your Employees to fall into Poverty.

Low-cost option to cover Big Health Insurance Claims.

An Employer in need is an employer in deed.

It is quite possible that your employees can manage ₹5,00,000 medical expenses on their own
even if you do not have a group health insurance plan.
But can they handle a 50 Lacs Medical Expense on their own?

In India, the middle class don't have the right to quality health care.
While the rich have Money,
Poor have Govt Schemes like ESI,
Middle class are left on their own to manage the ever increasing cost of Medical care.
One such event and it takes decades for them to return to their original lifestyle.

This is the time to show them how much you care for them.
After all, an Employer in need is an employer in deed

The possibility of high value health Insurance
claims has increased. Exponentially.

Remember the Medical expenses under Covid?
Claims of 25 lacs became very common.

Other Scenarios where high hospital bills became a reality.

  • Future Pandemics Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Future Pandemics

  • Poison Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Poisoning cases,

  • Liver Transplant Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Liver Transplants

  • Sepsis Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Sepsis.

  • Road Accident Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Road Accidents.

  • Kidney Transplant Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Kidney Transplants

  • Lung Infections Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Lung Infections

  • Cancer Treatments Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Cancer Treatments.

  • Advance treatments like Stem Cell Vector Icon - Group Super Top up Advance treatments like Stem Cell.

Representing Doctor and Patient Vector Image - Group Super Top-up

Imagine that one of your employees meets with an accident
while on his way to the office and gets hospitalized.
The hospital bill is ₹50,00,000.

Representing Employee Hospital Billing Vector Image - Group Super Top up

How will you help ?

  • Will leave the employee to manage on his own.
  • Company will pay
  • Will request other Employees to contribute and support.
  • Our employees have enough cover under our group
          Health insurance policy

If you plan to opt for the last option, a single large claim will trigger an equal increase in your renewal premium next year.
So, in a way, the insurance company will pay now and recover from you as a renewal premium.

So what is the best option to secure your employees?

Cover your employees under a separate Group Super Top up policy today.

Fewer than 1% of organizations offer Health coverage upto ₹50,00,000
by taking a Corporate Floater in regular Group Health Insurance Policy.

Be among the few elite corporates
who care for their employees by offering
₹ 50,00,000 Health insurance Coverage for their employees.

Cover your employees under a separate Group Super Top up policy today.

Representing Protection Employee Vector Image - Group Super Top up

How does it Work ?

Let's suppose that your company is currently providing 5 lacs coverage through a group health insurance plan. You can now additionally take a Group Super Top Up plan covering 50 lacs with a 10 lacs Deductible

When an employee suffers an unfortunate event where the hospital bill is 50 lacs.

First 5 lacs will be paid by the Organization Group Health Policy

Next 5 lacs will be paid by the Corporate Floater in Group Health Policy ( or can be paid by Employees Personal Health policy if any)

Balance 40 lacs will be paid by Group Super Top up policy.

Your employee still has a cover of 10 lacs remaining, for any further incident.

As little as ₹500 per Employee, can cover ₹50,00,000 of Hospital Expenses.

Opt for a Super Top Up Policy for your Employees now.

A claim will not affect your regular Group Health Insurance premium.

You can cover a number of big incidents unlike a corporate floater, which is limited to only one big incident.

When an employee leaves, it can be converted to a retail individual policy

Representing Hospital Expenses Employee - Group Super Top up

Generate quotes instantly.

Age of Employees
No of Employees
lessthan 40
40 - 50
50 -60

Coverage Details

  • Sum insured 50 lacs
  • Deductible 10 lacs
  • Only Employees are covered.
  • No Room Rent Limit.
  • No Copayment.
  • Modern Treatments Covered.
  • Pre Existing Waiting Period Applicable.

Premium payable without GST for is 0.00

Representing office Employees sitting and discussing things - Group Super Top up

Have any specific requirements?

Get your Group Super Top Up
Policy Customized

  • Change deductible
  • Cover Pre Existing Diseases
  • Change Sum Insured
  • Include Employees Family

It's time to give your employees something they really want.
Something that makes them happy.
Something that excites them to do their best work.
Something that they can't help but talk about.
Something that takes them to dinner with their loved ones after work, more often.
Something that inspires them to come back to work in the morning.
Something that will increase their productivity by 500%.


An EAP is a workplace wellness program designed to boost your employees' performance by proactively helping them resolve personal issues. This program offers confidential and short-term support that assists a variety of issues, including financial, legal, physical, and mental health.

An Employee Assistance Program can give your employees a way to cope with personal issues that can have a negative impact on their job performance, such as work-related stress or problems outside of the workplace. With an EAP, employees have access to licensed, trained counselors.


What you need is intention and sincere efforts to learn and implement the strategies. Most of the strategies can be implemented by HR at no cost or minor cost to the organisation.

Video Testimonials


Health screenings help detect diseases early and reduce the risk of developing them. Employees can avoid further risk & improve their health by finding out their internal health status Unhealthy behaviors—-Health Risk—--chronic health disease—--Health care cost (claims)


The goal of our employee engagement program is to boost employee productivity by addressing and helping them find the right solutions to manage their day-to-day challenges before they become unmanageable.

For example, if obesity is affecting the majority of your employee population, it may be a good idea to engage in a corporate weight loss program where employees can achieve goals together.