Tag: Liability Insurance

If you wish to have a quick idea on what liability insurance is all about, let me tell you,
Liability is basically what we are liable to pay and the insurance which covers such expenses is called Liability insurance.
There is a thin line that disallows the payment of such liabilities or penalties in case of any illegal activity.
For example: If you visit a hotel and your vehicle is damaged as a Plant drops on the front screen from the first floor of the hotel. Then the hotel can claim under its liability insurance policy to pay to the customer for the damage that happened to the car.
But if the extension on the first floor where the pot was placed was illegal then the claim is disqualified.
The liability insurance is to protect from any liabilities arising out of any negligent and unintentional activity of the insured.
So this type of liability, where there is damage to property or bodily injury of a third party is involved, is called public liability.
If by chance a customer picks up a food parcel to home from a restaurant. The customer founds that food was burnt, then the liability to that customer can be claimed under Product liability insurance.
If there is a notice of penalty from the pollution board regarding the smoke released out of the chimney from that restaurant, such liability can be claimed under pollution liability.
If by chance the chef of that restaurant gets severe burns while cooking or any other worker getting some bodily injury, then the liability of the restaurant to its employee can be claimed under the employer’s liability policy.
There is another interesting fact about Liability Insurance. In some cases, it is difficult to trace the fault immediately after its occurrence. It might take 1 year or more also when the liability due to that fault comes out.
Hence there are 2 types of policies available in the market.
1) Claims Made basis
Under this type, the benefit is available when the claim is made irrespective of whether the event has occurred during the policy period or not.

2) Occurrence basis.
Under this type, the claim is payable based on whether the policy was in force during the occurrence of that event irrespective of – when the claim is brought into notice.
Some of the liability insurance policies are compulsory by law in India. Such as
1) Third-Party Liability insurance under Motor Policies.
2) Public Liability policy for businesses dealing in hazardous environments.
3) Workmen Compensation policy

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

ABOUT PRODUCT IN BRIEF:   Being a Director or Officer of a company brings with it not only the stresses and strains of making business decisions, but it also exposes the individual to enormous potential personal liability. This in turn is leading to greater concern among Directors & Officers of Indian Corporates. D & O […]

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Insurance Help in Damage Control

The Baltimore Bridge collapse: How can Marine Insurance Help in Damage Control?

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Liability Landscape Transformed with AI

Can AI Transform the Liability Landscape?

There is a hop in your step. And why not, you saved about 7000 bucks on a personal liability policy.  A personal what, you ask? Well, the hallmark of an evolving society is its litigious nature. As we evolve, as a democracy, we might be slow, but we are surely becoming one. And it would […]

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vector image of papers - LIABILITY INSURANCE

All About Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is a type of insurance coverage that protects businesses and individuals against third-party claims of negligence, errors, or omissions that result in bodily injury or property damage. Let’s explore liability insurance, why it’s important, and how Ethika Insurance Broking can help you get the right coverage. What is Liability Insurance? At its core, […]

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