Tag: motor insurance policy

The Revolutionary Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Motor Insurance

The Revolutionary Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Motor Insurance

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pervasive force, reshaping industries across the globe. In the realm of insurance industry, particularly motor insurance, AI is catalyzing transformative changes. Let’s delve into the multifaceted role of AI in motor insurance, scrutinizing its influence on underwriting processes and claim settlements. Understanding Artificial Intelligence: At its core, artificial […]

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Motor Insurance

Navigating the Salvage Deduction Conundrum in Motor Insurance: A Customer’s Guide

In the world of motor insurance, where promises of comprehensive coverage and peace of mind often collide with the unexpected, the curious case of salvage deduction leaves many policyholders scratching their heads. For the uninitiated, salvage is the value of damaged or destroyed property that can be recovered and sold after an insurance claim has […]

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Vehicle Insurance

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle insurance compensates the financial loss incurred by the insured due to an unforeseen incident causing damage to the vehicle and third-party liability, which includes bodily injury and property damage to third parties due to the insured vehicle. Motor insurance comes in two parts. The first part covers the insured’s liability towards bodily injury and […]

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General Insurance

Privatization of Public Sector General Insurers

A recent news article caught my fancy yesterday. The article was titled “One state run insurer might be privatized ahead of banks”. The article piqued my curiosity, primarily because one of my cousins who started his career in the Insurance Industry has made his millions there. While at it, he had offered me to join […]

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